Doctor gives God credit for saving his life from Ebola

Dear Editor,

It’s shouting Hallelujah time. My prayer pals and I are praising God for total answered prayer begun when God allowed Dr. Brantley to walk into Emory Hospital, (my SRPG letter, August 9). His selflessness continues. He insisted the experimental drug be given to his co-worker before him. Now, he’s urging the thousands who prayed for him to pray for the Liberians and West Africa for the Ebola epidemic be eradicated. Brantley said, “I serve a faithful God who answers prayers. God saved my life.” Even Dr. Segal, when asked to comment was thrilled when commenting, “A little medicine and a lot of God.” It’s always exciting when doctors, et al, give God the glory for miracles He does daily, in this case a speedy recovery from Ebola. To quote Jerry Clower again, “Ain’t God good!” God bless us all as only He can. Maranatha.

Chrys Holley


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Doctor gives God credit for saving his life from Ebola