Speak Out August 16

Tuesday 6:13 a.m.

I think the people need to look at the VA bill that has been passed. This is Kenneth. If you look at the VA bill, you’ll see that the primary purpose of the bill was to get votes for politicians. Very little of that bill is going to help the VA system. Let’s look at one of the big problems. The big problem was falsification of records. What caused this falsification? In my mind, I think it was the bonuses being paid. If we do away with the bonuses, maybe they would not try to falsify records and maybe they would pass on the truth of what’s really happening in the VA. I see nothing in this bill that helps in this problem. Also, the amount of money in this bill is very small compared to the big problem that exists. Unless you can get more doctors and more people to administer the system, the backlog is only going to get greater, especially with the people we are putting out of this service from Afghanistan. Thank you.

Tuesday 3:35 p.m.

Hello, I just want to know what is wrong with this county. I saw gas went up 10 cents and I just heard the news that Alabama is only $3.04, the least in years. What gives? Are our taxes that much more? And why does each station go up at the same time? Are they all owned by the same person? How do they get word to each other?

Wednesday 9:50 a.m.

Hey, this is Dennis. Robin Williams will be missed. I know firsthand how drugs and alcohol can destroy your life. I drove my life into a ditch by being separated from God and too much alcohol. The Bible says don’t be getting drunk. A person can drink so much alcohol that they are not in their right mind and they will say and do things they would not normally do.  As for me, I ran to my Creator and asked for forgiveness and help. It took a little while but the Great Physician straightened me out. He restored my joy and peace. That old saying “when you hit rock bottom you’ll find out who your real friends and family are” is true. I found out I did not have many. Even a few Christians turned their back on me, but the Lord put my feet on solid ground and I am still there.

Wednesday 3:18 p.m.

I heard that rolls of toilet paper will now be made without the little cardboard cylinders in the center. This will prevent millions of the little cylinders from going into landfills. How about a whole house complete with bathroom fixtures, a/c heating unit, and kitchen cabinets and appliances going into the local landfill. A ranch style brick home on Woodbine Road has just been bulldozed to make way for the developers’ huge storm water retention pond and the huge pile of rubble, which was once a brick house will not be hauled to our local landfill. Just sort of mind boggling isn’t it? How many more landfills are going to be needed in our not-too-distant future? Thank you.

Wednesday, 1 p.m.

Chrys here. While trying to execute our civic duty, to hear candidates before voting, my friend and I couldn’t find the new Bagdad Fire Department. An hour and a half was consumed looking for it, part of which was in the car waiting to be rescued from a ditch. One man offered to lead us to it if we followed him. He’s probably wondering what happened to us. We were so grateful to the more than fifteen, the first being Bubba Watson’s sister, who offered help. It was pouring down rain. Thanks, too, to Connie Clark who flagged down heavy traffic on Old Bagdad Highway while AAA rescued us. God Job, Kell.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out August 16