Speak Out August 13

Wednesday, 10:20  a.m.

Your puzzles and the whole page is the same as last week. You all rarely mess up but you did this time.

Editor’s note: Due to a clerical error the Diversion page ran twice. We apologize for this inconvenience.

Thursday 5:31 a.m.

This is to Marie. This country had better support Israel because the Bible says the country that supports Israel will be blessed or if not will be under his judgment and I believe we are already under his judgment.

Thursday 11 a.m.

Hi this is James. We need a new blood in Milton. We need new growth and new ideas. It’s time for new direction. Milton looks the same as it did forty years ago.

Friday 8:05 p.m.

This is Dennis. I am tired of us being in a constant state of war but I am glad President Obama helped those people trapped on top of the mountain in Iraq. Isis would have killed them. I hoped they saved them and helped them to a safe area.

Saturday 3:27 p.m.

Hello this is Glenn Hill calling in regards to Marian’s call last Tuesday regarding our restaurant and it being built on poles. Marian, the plans are on file with the city. You can review those. The plan that’s on file with the city now is an elevated plan. The flood plane requires you to elevate in order to build in the county if you’re within a flood plane.

The building we’re talking about building is elevated on pylons. I’m not sure where you got your information, but please review the official plans on file with the city.

Saturday 4:58 p.m.

This is Jim. I was reading the article on Hawkins Park. Every time I drive passed that park the gate is closed. How is anyone ever supposed to use that park if the gate is locked? It doesn’t make sense to me, but that’s the way the county commissioners do things around here.

Saturday 7:03 p.m.

This is in reference to Maria in last Wednesday’s paper about Israel. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about—Israel only wanting money and killing people. It isn’t Israel doing this stuff. They have a right to defend themselves. The Palestinian terrorists are the problem. The Bible says we’re supposed to support Israel.

Sunday 10:30 a.m.

I’m responding to a letter to the editor written by Joel Miller, Milton. I’m impressed he’s concerned about the Ebola virus. Most people are not concerned about any type of virus. I would hope he would get a book called Lab 257 written by Michael Christopher Carroll. If Americans would read this book, they would be surprised.

Sunday 11:42 a.m.

This is Jerry and I want to tell Milton how proud I am of how well we drive. We do have a few out there who try to beat the camera and cause havoc and sometimes near wrecks. But on the whole we are great drivers who can merge into traffic and let people merge without a problem. I think we rate at the top with courtesy while driving.  I’m proud of being out there while I drive. I also want to mention Martha who has a problem with the lack of air conditioning at the Milton Community Center. I don’t know what was wrong on that day or days because it’s always been wonderful when I’ve attended functions or a dance. I do know from personal experience that no office member has a magic wand to fix air conditioning. I had to wait three days to have mine repaired.

Sunday 4:10 p.m.

This is Jeff and I’m reading Saturday’s speak out. Bob, you’re right about voting. You have to vote people out if you don’t like them and everyone has to get together and vote. The editorial about ‘Florida State Standards lack validation,’ that one is wonderful. And Marian about the homeowners and flood zones, you’re right. You can’t keep expecting insurance companies to keep paying for floods when you live in a flood zone and purposely built it there. The Milton Community Center, Martha, about the air conditioning, it’s horrible but it’s great they offer things to do like line dancing and basketball for both kids and seniors. Mary, about the marijuana, you’re misinformed. Check your facts. Alcohol is just as bad or worse and impairs you more, it’s also illegal and teens get it. Cigarettes are illegal for teens, but they get it. It’s harder to stop smoking because of nicotine than it is to stop doing cocaine. If they legalize marijuana we’ll get taxes for it. If it’s made age appropriate to buy it, well hey, people get drunk and drive. Y’all have a good one.

Sunday 612pm

Hi, Jim here. We went over to Hawkins Park. The gate was closed and locked with a sign that says no trespassing by order of the State of Florida and is designated for disabled and family members only and the hours of operation are 8 to 5 by appointment. I travel pass by this park several times every week and the gate is never open. I read in your column only grass and weeds frequent the park. I can understand why as no one is allowed in. If it’s only open to people by appointment for the disabled, who’s allowed to use it and who’s in charge? Is it the state, county, or city?  I’d like to visit and see what’s back there. 

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out August 13