Negative campaigns inject anger

Dear Editor,

          Negative campaigns can inject anger and hatred into the community and poison public discourse, damages business relationships and hurts the economy. Milton belongs to all the citizens, not just those who live downtown or those who sit on the current city council.

          The diverse group of candidates running for mayor and city council consists of educators, businessmen, public servants and community volunteers who have worked and invested in our community for years.

          Voters, look closely at the kind of campaign the candidates are waging.  If they resort to falsehoods, distortions, personal attacks and rumors, what kind of public official will they be, or have they been?

          Candidates, think about the kind of campaign you are running.  Winning is not everything.  Running a negative campaign will tarnish victory and embitter defeat.

          Milton needs new leadership.

 Bessie Vallianos


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Negative campaigns inject anger