Andrea McDermott seeking election to County Commission District 4

Andrea McDermott loves Navarre and wants to represent its people as Santa Rosa County Commissioner District 4.

McDermott said she is qualified for the position as she has worked as a licensed community association manager since 2005.

“No one from Navarre is speaking for Navarre residents,” she said. “I live, work and play in Navarre. I’ve attended county commissioner meetings since 2005 and I don’t feel Navarre is represented well,” she said.

She said certain projects need better attention at the county level. “The beach re-nourishment program needs to be done now. It’s currently scheduled for 2015 and will be paid for by a 50-50 matching grant. She said the last time the project was completed it was paid for by Municipal Service Benefit Unit (MSBU) charged to beach residents. She said it is not fair for beach residents to carry a load when the whole county benefits from tourism dollars, not just beach residents.

“If we had reserved money for the project, we’d have the money put aside. We’ll run into the same problem with the upcoming bridge project,” she said.

McDermott said the 2014 budget concerns her as the increase in county employee pay came from reserves. “It will affect the 2015 budget. Resources should be identified for the upcoming budget,” she said.

McDermott said she would like to see a walk way similar to the one on Highway 399 along Highway 98 because of safety issues for people who walk along the highway. “We could save a life,” she said.

McDermott said Navarre needs industry. “We have skilled people living in Navarre,” she said.

McDermott said the north end and south end relationships need mending. “We’re all one county. We need to think this way,” she said.

The courthouse location is a hot topic, she said, and she believes the East Milton location would be the best solution but knows it may not be popular with some. She said she doesn’t want the county to pay such a high price for land in the Pea Ridge location and the downtown location has a limitation of growth for the future. “However, I would be disappointed if voters decide to not build another courthouse because it’s so needed,” she said.

McDermott said she is more than qualified for the position as she has a high level of integrity. “I manage millions of dollars every year in my position. I put our client’s interest first. I increased property values during the recession,” she said.

As county commissioner, McDermott said she would like to see some evening meetings where constituents can attend and feels it is very important to keep residents informed to what is happening within their county.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Andrea McDermott seeking election to County Commission District 4