Downtown bottleneck too much for courthouse

Dear Editor,

Let’s talk about the bottleneck downtown. The city and the people want to build a multi million dollar courthouse downtown with no regards to parking or traffic. They do not wish to do away with the old buildings where Highway 90 can be a 4 lane. To make matters worse, they block off roads so they can have their parties in the street. That’s all fine except, traffic can't flow, and parking is stressed to the breaking point.

Then, there is the argument about the business district. There is nothing to draw people downtown to shop. Most local businesses went away years ago. Just a few cafes and nick knack shops.

You won't to put a courthouse downtown, give up the street parties and old buildings so there will not be a bottleneck and parking consumed by  the party goers. There’s thousands of workers trying to get to work in East Milton everyday. The bottleneck takes up their time.

We will vote and I hope people will express their desire to get the courthouse away from Riverwalk and street parties.

I have lived in and around Milton since 1957 when all commerce was downtown. Now it’s gone and will never return.  Its way past time for a change, like 40 years.

Charles Walsingham


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Downtown bottleneck too much for courthouse