Speak Out July 12

Monday 11:46 a.m.

This is Kenneth. I’m calling about our local representative. He not only does not accept any responsibility for the VA problem now he’s voted against reducing the interest on student loans. Now, in order for him to do something like this, I think the main reason would be that he is receiving substantial campaign contributions from the large banks. If anybody is familiar with student loans, they realize the students are paying excessive interest on these loans whenever they finish college. I think it’s ridiculous. You can go out and buy a car for much less and buy a house for much less interest than you can get on a student loan. It makes no sense to me except that the banks are making excessive money in this student loan fiasco.

Tuesday 8:39 a.m.

This is Raymond. Its 2014, July, half a year gone and America is still stuck on stupid with prejudice. It’s time for America to realize other countries better fare far more from prejudice not existing. There’s just a strong hold on this country. Thank you.

Wednesday 8:15 a.m.

This is Bobby. I just went across the temporary bridge. I wonder if you couldn’t put something in the paper for what exactly they’re going to do with the old bridge. One person told me they were going to leave it and make it a bike trail out of it, but they’re driving in pylons and it looks like they’re widening it or something. I don’t know if they’re driving the pylons for the new bridge before tearing the old one down. It would just be interesting to know what they’re doing. Thank you.

Wednesday 4:16 p.m.

This is Bobby. I was just wondering why, when President Bush flew over New Orleans and didn’t stop, every democrat in the United States had fits because it was just so terrible. He was unconcerned and all that. And now they’ve got a catastrophe on the Mexican border, where hordes of people are coming over and the President refuses to go to look at it, but he’s got all this time in Texas to raise money, and drink beer, and play pool, but he does not go to the border. No democrat, no TV channel other than Fox News has anything to say about that. They think it’s just fine. I don’t get the double standard.

Wednesday 7:12 p.m.

This is Dennis. I heard John McCain say there are Central American families paying up to $12,000 to the cartel to bring their children to America. They’re portrayed as poor or oppressed people. I wonder where these poor, oppressed people got $12,000. I’m a hard working American and I do not have $12,000 I can lay my hands on. This whole thing stinks to high Heaven. What good parent would kiss their children and say, “I hope it’s going to work out. I love you, bye?”

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out July 12