Our View: Phony and fabricated scandals

President Obama said last January there isn’t a smidgen of corruption within his administration. He reiterated the fact this week and said the current scandals are “fabricated” and “phony.”  How can they be phony and fabricated when the IRS released information saying they did in fact release confidential tax information? Why are not these officials, Lois Lerner included, being prosecuted? If ‘inappropriate criteria’ is the phrase used describing the scandal, how is the phrase not equal to criminal behavior? You can’t have it both ways. We know the IRS’s standard operating procedure is to go ‘by the book’ of tax law. 1.1 million confidential tax documents were released to the Justice Department Criminal Division. Congresswoman Michelle Bachman said the criminal division is designated to investigate employee behavior and Lois Lerner wanted this department to look at behavior of 12,000 non profits. Phony and fabricated scandals? We think not.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Our View: Phony and fabricated scandals