Speak Out June 25

Wednesday 12:48 p.m.

This is Steven. I was just wondering why Escambia has a 10 cent per gallon increase to cover their ECAT transportation yet I noticed their gas prices are the same as Santa Rosa or less. I was just wondering why.

Wednesday 4:27 p.m.

This is Bobby. I see somebody commented Wednesday on my call about Pensacola State College offering a program for minorities and they said it was a good idea. I never said it wasn’t a good idea, but I think it’s a bad idea not to open it to all students. I wonder if the person who liked it would still like it if they said it was only for white kids; minorities need not apply.

Wednesday 8:10 p.m.

This is Dennis. Wouldn’t it be nice if all the nuts around the world would lay down their guns and play a nice game of soccer? I don’t think they’ll do it though. Where do you confront these nuts? I guess I would need to be fully informed as our president should be. I would pray that Jehovah God would give me wisdom on how to deal with potential threats. We live in a very complicated world.

Friday 8:41 a.m.

I’d like to say that Ronald Regan once said that if we ever forget that we are one nation under God then we will be gone under. Obama said we are no longer a Christian nation or he said we are not a Christian nation. That is totally wrong. We are a Christian nation and we need to get back to our roots. This country needs to pray that God protects us. This is Gene in Pace. Thank you.

Friday 11:44 a.m.

Yes, I see they’re about to open a temporary bridge in East Milton. It was supposed to be open the end of February. Because of the walkway, they have narrowed the lanes so much that two regular vehicles can barely pass each other. I wonder if they’re going to stop large vehicles such as semis, logging trucks, gas trucks, etc from using it. If not, it’s going to be an accident waiting to happen. Thank you.

Friday 7:53 p.m.

This is Dennis. I just caught in the news where the republicans and the democrats were poised to raise the federal gas tax by 12 cents per gallon. I’m sure there are state taxes on gas and local county taxes on gas. The whole bunch spends money like a bunch of drunken sailors and put it on our backs, the tax payers. You government officials keep it up and you will put us in the poor house.

Friday 8:16 p.m.

This is Dennis. Us Republicans condemn the Democrats for a lot of stuff and a lot of it rightly so, but let’s consider this. The house is controlled by the republicans. They hold the purse strings. The democrats cannot do anything unless we fund it, so who is really to blame? I hate to say it but our elected republican politicians are equally to blame for the financial mess we’re in. If we fired every democrat and republican politician today and hired all new ones most of them would be corrupt within a year because of lobbyists, people who give them money to buy their vote.

Saturday 12:26 p.m.

This is Don and the call is directed to Steven King and other folks. This is exactly what the county commissioners want you and others to be haulers of recyclables for the rest of your lives. Steven, please read the letter to the editor by David Holt. This has been going on with trash and recyclable items in a whole lot of counties in Florida for some time. I agree with David to put it on the ballot. Let the folks otherwise demand an answer from the county commissioners. What will our $200,000 savings per year be spent on? Let’s vote on it. Thank you.

Saturday 9:38 p.m.

My name is Barbara and I have a question. The city employee that called in sick and then wound up having a wreck and drunk, was he fired like he should have been? Had it been a laborer he would have been fired. Could it be he’s a good buddy of someone that is seeking reelection? Thank you.

Monday 8:44 a.m.

Chrys here. I enjoyed George Walker’s comment. I had a good laugh. He’s right. Impeaching Obama gives us Biden, then Nancy Pelosi, the very trio responsible for and aiding and abetting America’s “deep trouble!” Only God knows why He hasn’t answered those in James 5:16 including the petition of one of my prayer pals. She’s been asking God to remove Obama for years. Thanks, Mr. Walker, for a good laugh. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine. I reiterate what I’ve said for years. Our only hope is Jesus!

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out June 25