Gulf Breeze man arrested for felony battery

A Gulf Breeze man was arrested Saturday in a domestic violence related charge. Donald Edward McCoy, 47, was questioned by Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office after the victim was taken to Baptist Hospital in Pensacola. The victim told deputies after an eviction notice was received from the landlord stating McCoy had not paid the rent, the victim confronted him outside his bedroom door. The victim said an argument ensued and McCoy followed the victim outside. The victim told deputies McCoy attacked at this point by choking and stomping on the victim’s face. Reports said the victim blacked out. Reports also state the victim’s face was swollen on the right side and left jaw with a gash on the victim’s bottom lip on the right side and reports said the victim could not breathe through the nose. Deputies report an emergency room nurse confirmed the victim had multiple fractures in the sinus and facial area.

McCoy was arrested and charged with felony battery and aggravated battery, to cause bodily harm or disability and was held without bond.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Gulf Breeze man arrested for felony battery