Pace incorporation not beneficial

Dear Editor,

    Regarding the letter and the speak-out statement in favor of incorporating Pace, I am in total and complete disagreement.  I can think of no way incorporation of Pace would be beneficial to me or my family.  We have a fire department nearby as well as a public library, a community center, a public park, etc.  Access to an ambulance or the sheriff's office is more than adequate. 

    The disadvantage to incorporating would be the creation of yet more government which we clearly do not need.   Also incorporation created a need for more taxes paid by the residents of this community.  Aren't we taxed enough?    The community of Pace is getting along just fine without incorporating.  I would like those writers and callers who favor incorporation to tell us (and I quote one of the writers here) exactly what “good things would come out of Pace being a city.”  Please tell us what they are and how they’ll be paid for if not with additional taxes.

T. P. Simmons


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Pace incorporation not beneficial