Our rights are eroding

Dear Editor,

I just heard about Harry Reid and his democratic cronies are actively pushing for repeal of our First Amendment right, free speech, via Senate Judiciary Bill 19 being considered this week. Every American should be outraged but sat to say many Americans are ignorant and/or apathetic about the issues concerning them. Our rights are eroding. This administration, sympathetic to our enemies are responsible for much of it. Maybe Obama’s recent deal will hasten his impeachment. Releasing those five high risk, extremely dangerous terrorists from Gitmo was insane. Having served with the Department of Defense from 1948 until 1959, the many military with whom I came in contact were of the caliber being proud to serve the country they loved. Not a one of them would have condoned trading five terrorists for their lives. They were willing to give their all no matter what. God bless their commitment and dedication. I’m glad we have God given rights and will defend them to the end. By the way, whatever happened to all the czars Obama engaged? Are we taxpayers still paying their exorbitant salaries with no accountability to anyone but the President? What a mess. God bless us all as only He can.

Chrys Holley


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Our rights are eroding