Speak Out June 7

Speak Out

Monday 7:07 a.m.

Yes, this is Nita. I'm very disgusted about the transportation for the elderly here in Milton. It's time to change out the commissioners and make sure that these people are taken care of. I'm on a fixed income. I cannot afford a cab to go get my ID renewed on the base. It cost an arm and a leg. I'm lucky to be buying the food I do, and have a few dollars left over for the rest of the month. It's very disgusting.

Monday 7:36 p.m.

Yeah, this is Bobby. I just heard on the radio an advertisement for Select Service reminding men when they turn 18 it's the law they have sign up so they can be drafted by the military. Why is it women don't have to sign up? They're not subject to the draft yet they take up a lot of slots in the military that can be filled by men and you can't discriminate against them. They can get in basically any part of the military that a man can. It just seems a little one-sided to me. It's the law that a man has to sign up but a woman doesn't. Thank you.

Tuesday 7:12 a.m.

Yeah, this is Mary, a concerned senior citizen. I just watched an interesting thing about Obama letting this Muslim soldier out from Afghanistan, trading terrorists for him, letting him go free. He's been in there long enough that he's indoctrinated. Now he's coming back and all of his fellow soldiers are saying he's a turncoat or a traitor. He went and left his group voluntarily to be captured. That doesn't sound like transparency to me because Obama didn't let anybody know he was going to do this. I wonder what he's got up his sleeve next.

Tuesday 6:45 p.m.

Hey, this is Dennis. I'm pretty sure Gulf Power uses coal to make our electricity. Once EPA fully implements their plan our price for electricity will go up. Big business will pass their increased costs along to whom? You guessed it, us. The things we buy will go up in price. Thanks a lot, EPA.

Tuesday 8:22 p.m.

Hello, this is Marian. I'm wondering if you are going to have a hurricane tracking map in the Press Gazette this year. I enjoy them very much. Thank you.

Wednesday 9:54 a.m.

Why is Pensacola the capital of Florida in abortion? People come to get abortions from all over the world and they say they're not from Pensacola but they come from where they cannot have abortions. That should not be allowed. The money spent for abortions should be given to the poor and the homeless, not to these people to kill babies. This is Maria. Thank you.

Wednesday 5:06 p.m.

Yes, what a great loss for the Florian family in Pensacola. I knew Father Licari, the one that built the church around Christmas, the church in Bellview. This is very sad. I was just surprised they didn't know about this. I know I don't swim and that's why I never go close to the black water or the pink water because I'm really scared. I'd probably get my feet wet from the black water. They need to have signs because it's dangerous, the current, it's too deep, even for the people that know how to swim. I think there should be signs everywhere. That was a very sad loss. Please do something about it. There have been too many tragedies this past week, the two little boys. It's too great to handle. Thank you.

Wednesday 5:00 p.m.

I live in the city of Milton and pay 3.2373 mills city tax. I pay 13.7633 mills county tax, same as county pays. They city has police, fire, parks and recreation, streets, and storm water. I receive nothing from the county sheriff, streets, or recreation. If I call the county about any of the above, I am told, "Call the city." If Navarre and Pace know what is best, they will not incorporate. They will stay as they are. Earl, Milton.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out June 7