Marty Rich, United Bank guest speaker at Jay Chamber

The Jay Area Chamber of Commerce met on Monday, March 3 in the social hall of the Jay Community Center at noon.  Lunch was served.

     Before lunch, all stood for the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a prayer given by

Nick Jackson.  

     After lunch, President Jamie Mattina, thanked Marty Rich and United Bank for the

Panera Bread luncheon they provided.  The sandwiches, salads, bread and desserts were wonderful.

     Guests were Guy Barton and Frank Robinson with Kona Ice.

     Marty Rich, Mortgage Originator with United Bank, was the guest speaker. He said 

United Bank celebrated its 110th year back in January.  There are 17 branches, all

located in  Alabama except for the ones in Jay, Milton and Pace.  He spoke on mortgage and

construction loans. 

     The Senior Expo March 13 at Milton Community Center on Byrom Street opens at 8:00 a.m. and closes at noon.  Scratch Ankle will be March 15, in Milton on North Willing Street.

     Election committee will be chosen at the next chamber meeting. Any member wanting to hold office should let it be known to the committee.

     Dru Dobson reminded members and guests that Jay's Relay for Life event is scheduled to be on April 12, at Jay High School Stadium, beginning at 2:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m.  Come and make a difference.  Call 475-0850 for more information.  

     The State Legislature will be resuming soon.

     Jamie Mattina told us of the new book out for sale ($10) titled," Memories of Daddy,"

written by Gaylier Nowling Miller.  It is about Arlie Nowling; a beloved member of the Jay community.

     Oakland Ard talked to the chamber members about possibly having an end-of-the year

banquet to honor businesses and outstanding people.

     The next Jay Chamber meeting will be held on Monday, April 7 at noon in the social hall of the Jay Community Center.  Lunch will be provided by the Santa Rosa Medical Center.  Come join the chamber.   

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Marty Rich, United Bank guest speaker at Jay Chamber