Ode to Milton Florida Santa Rosa County

Written by Penny. D. Cobb-Jones   Class of 1981

Those were the Days…

Playing HOP Scotch  "Mama May I"  Red Light

Hide n Go Seek  Pick Up Sticks

Watching Papa Robinson eat his favorites;

Fig Newtons..

Aunt Josie saying "Leave those biddies alone"!

Marbles and Hand Jive

Simone Says Swing Sets

Making Home Made Vanilla Ice Cream

and Mud Pies

Aunt Priscilla so pretty

On Hot Summer Days

churning by hand In the shade

Of the Old Magnolia

Aged; Yet solidly rooted

fascinated as a child at the rock salt

and the salt from the mud on my hands

Gently tasting it from time to time

Red Clay Dirt Roads and Dirt Piles

Riding my bike for miles

passing wild flowers Catching Butterflies

Coreopsis on Ferris Hill Honey Suckle in Bagdad

Dogwood in Patterson Town and Poison Ivy Cross the River

From East Milton to Whiting Field

Pig Pens and Chicken Coops

Caterpillars and Turtles

Fields of Flowers; Rainbow Colors..

Bumble Bees Buzzing Red Ant Beds

Playing till the Sun went down

Chasing Fireflies

In the House before Dark

Looking out my window peeking at the Stars

Pitch Black Nights

Laying in the grass staring  at the summer sky

Translating the pictures in the clouds

Jumping Rope and Hula Hoops

Pogo Sicks and YoYo's

Daddy Long Legs and Horse Flies

Picking Blueberries, Blackberries, Raspberries and telling little lies

Picking Persimmons off Johnson Road

Running through the water hose!

Mist within the Air

Starring at the "Elephant Ears"

School Plays Not wanting nothing less than an "A"

Hot Summer Days Beach on 4th of July

Chek Sodas and bar-B-Que

Giggling at the Grown Folks dancing

Marvin Gaye's Playing;"What's going on",

Bringing Moonshine cross county lines; Santa Rosa

Got my First Kiss as Reason's played in the background; Victor

Blushing..Courting. kissing

Little Notes "DO YOU LOVE ME?

Check  the box Yes or No"

Waiting by the mailbox

For Love letters written by hand

Holding on to every word in every line

Dancing upon the page

soppin' Cane Syrup with white bread

Fried Catfish Fish, Grits and Lemonade

Watermelon and The Big Show playing

Pretending to be on T.V.; Soul Train

St.John Divine on Sunday Morning

WildKingdomon Sunday evening

J.J.Walker and Thelma

Enchanted by Diane Carroll

Penny Candy

Selling Coke bottles Red Wagon Hauling

Wigglers on Fish Lines Catching Brim and Mullet

By the Boondocks of Black Water River

Murky…Still we wade in the waters

Cobwebs and cornbread

Thoughts fleeting Sometimes

Like Jig Saw Puzzles in my mind

Patches of memories

Reminiscing on Old Times

For Those were the days…

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Ode to Milton Florida Santa Rosa County