Guest Editorial Glenn Mollette

Keep Free Speech in America

By Glenn Mollette    

Arts and Entertainment television was out of line for suspending Phil Robertson for a recent statement that the network executives did not appreciate. They may not have liked his Bible quote but he was stating his personal belief and not speaking on behalf of the network. I realize that he is employed by the network, but that should not prohibit him from stating his opinion. 

Every American in most circumstances has an opinion and many will disagree or agree depending on the subject. Because someone states something does not mean that it is reality, except in that person's mind. However, there are many circles of shared belief throughout our world. I happen to believe some are right but some are also wrong…in my opinion.

My opinion is based on my background, upbringing, Bible reading, education, personal studies, media, folktales and even common sense.

I don't like everything I see on television, read in the paper or hear on the radio. However, I have yet to eliminate any of the three from my life. I don't like everything I see and hear in church but I still go. Yet, I believe in the freedom of religion just like I believe in the freedom of people to state their opinions and quote their favorite books whether it's the Bible or Reader's Digest.

As a free society our task is to muddle through the free speech and make a sensible determination. Free speech encourages or offends people.  However the goal of speech should never be to limit human rights to anyone. A worthy goal for us all is to use our free speech to make America better even though words can burn as in the case of Robertson's statements. Again, just because somebody makes a statement does not mean that it is reality, except in the mind of the person who made the statement. The statement simply is a window into that person's soul.

I may not agree with what you say or even like it but let's please preserve the First Amendment. A good America is a free America and a free America means free speech.

Glenn Mollette is an American columnist read in all fifty states.  

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Guest Editorial Glenn Mollette