First annual Startup Weekend Pensacola

The first annual Startup Weekend Pensacola will connect aspiring local entrepreneurs with mentors, support and resources on Oct. 11–13 at the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC).

The hands-on, 54-hour event is a part of a global grassroots movement of new and active entrepreneurs who are “learning the basics of founding startups and launching successful ventures,” according to the national Startup America website. The cost to participate — $99 — includes all events, seven meals, snacks, coffee and access to exclusive resources from sponsors.

Startup Weekend Pensacola is being organized by young entrepreneurs and business owners in the Greater Pensacola area.

One organizer, Frank White, chief financial officer for Pensacola-based CollegeFrog, says the weekend will provide an engaging, hands-on learning environment to help budding local entrepreneurs test their ideas, build strategies, network with potential investors and even launch businesses.

“Without events like Startup Weekend, many great business ideas might never be realized,” White said. “This is the rare chance to test an idea, build long-lasting relationships and possibly walk away with a job or even an investor.”

To date, there are more than 45,000 Startup Weekend alumni worldwide, and more than 36 percent of Startup Weekend startups are still going strong after 3 months. Roughly 80 percent of participants say they plan to continue working with their team or startup after the event.

IHMC, University of West Florida College of Business, Central Gulf Coast Private Investor Network and University of West Florida School of Science and Engineering have signed on as early Platinum sponsors.

Startup veterans and business mentor-volunteers will be on hand throughout the weekend to provide expertise and support.

Judges include Vernon Niven, CEO and founder of NeedTagger, Inc.; Denise Browning, principal of Hunter Ventures LLC and a director of Browning Mecke & O’Neal and Central Gulf Coast Private Investors Network; and Caron Sjoberg, APR, CPRC, president of Ideaworks, Inc.

Startup Weekend Pensacola

When:             Friday through Sunday, Oct. 11-13, 2013

Where:           IHMC, 40 S. Alcaniz St., Pensacola

Tickets:           The cost is $99 per person

                        *Discounts are available for current UWF students, faculty and staff

Sponsors:       Some sponsorship opportunities are still open. Find out how your business can be a part of Startup Weekend at



“No Talk, All Action. Launch a Startup in 54 Hours!”

Startup Weekend is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in Seattle, Wash.

Founded in 2007 by Andrew Hyde, Startup Weekend is supported by a grant from the Kauffman Foundation and global sponsorships from Google, Coca-Cola, .co and Amazon. Since its creation, Startup Weekend has held more than 400 events around the globe, inspiring nearly 30,000 entrepreneurs to take an idea from concept to launch. For information on sponsorships, FAQ and how to prepare and register, visit or contact Frank White at 850-696-1321.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: First annual Startup Weekend Pensacola