Robin Giacin visits Kiwanis

Student Services Specialist Robin Giacin for the Educational Opportunity Center is shown here receiving the Milton Pride tag holder from Dewitt Nobles, President of Santa Rosa Sunrise Kiwanis.  Robin has been helping hopeful students further their education, for over 16 years.  She helps students from 18- 65, go to college, go back to school, and helps with filling out all that paperwork for admissions, financial aid, and career guidance.  Her students go from no school, to certificates of training in multiple fields where they make very good wages.  Her office, called TRIO is in the Milton campus of Pensacola State College, Hwy 90.  Santa Rosa Sunrise Kiwanis welcomes all to their Wednesday 7 a.m. meeting at Tanglewood Golf Course where breakfast is served. 

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Robin Giacin visits Kiwanis