91-year-old woman missing, driving green honda

 PENSACOLA, Fla. – Escambia Sheriff’s Investigators are searching for a 91-year-old woman who was last seen on February 18, 2013. Geneva Woods (D.O.B. 5-18-1921) was last seen in the 6000 block of Chelsea Street. 

She is described as a white female with blue eyes and white hair. She is approximately 5’3” tall and weighs approximately 110 pounds. 

She has difficulty walking and uses two canes. Ms. Woods is driving a 4 door Green Honda FL Tag E005JH. 

Her whereabouts are unknown and anyone with information is asked to contact Sheriff’s Dispatch at 436-9620. 

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: 91-year-old woman missing, driving green honda