Man held on 46 sex crimes

A Milton man is in jail, charged with multiple sex crimes after two young victims came forward. He is also charged with possession of obscene material involving the sexual performance of a child.

Carl Ernest Carswell, 45, Happy Lane, Milton, is being held on $270,000 bond, according to Milton Police (MPD) Captain David Cox.

Carswell was arrested following an investigation by MPD indicating he molested two female family members. The victims do not live in Florida at this time, according to Cox.

Cox said police became involved when the victims shared the information about what Carswell had allegedly done, with family members. Once police were called, Cox said there was enough details and information to move forward with an arrest. At that time, Carswell was charged with two counts of lewd and lascivious acts on a child under 12 years of age and two counts of lewd and lascivious acts on a child under 16 years of age.

While Carswell was sitting in jail, family members presented compact discs to the police, filled with what Cox said is obscene material involving the sexual performance of a child. The material was in the form of videos and photographs.

A Santa Rosa judge signed a warrant and Carswell was served while incarcerated. He faces 42 counts.

Cox says if convicted, Carswell could face up to 210 years in prison.

Carswell is not a registered sex offender.

The investigation is continuing, according to Cox. Additional charges may be forthcoming.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Man held on 46 sex crimes