Letters to the Editor – Nov. 28, 2012

Does the election really matter

Another presidential election has come and gone, and some citizens are delighted and others are left wanting.

My question to everyone reading this would be does it really matter?

What I mean is does the presidential election actually matter or are we allowing two people to spend thousands of dollars on jargon and political campaigns and never really getting anything in return?

In the big mix of things is it actually the president who calls the shots or is the House and Senate?

I am a student at UWF and I recently enrolled in a very enlighting politics class and I thought that I was making a difference when I participated in voting, but sadly to my dismay I discovered we were simply voting for a figure head.

Someone we could blame all of our countries problems on and hold them accountable.

In all reality the presidents have never made the decisions it is the house and senate that has the ultimate say and who is holding them accountable?

Kristy Eldredge

Milton, Fla.

Gamblin is no writer

We just received a complementary copy of the Press Gazette in the mail.  I decided to read the paper and decide whether or not to subscribe. 

I am appalled at Bill Gamblin's writing.  He apparently has no training in language arts. 

My nine year old grandson can write with better sentence construction than Mr. Gamblin.  No, I won't subscribe. 

However, on second thought, I could use Mr. Gamblin's articles as an example of bad writing to teach my grandchildren to do better. 

Shellie Adams

Pace, Fla.

Remembering the Firemen

I was invited and attended the dedication ceremony of Fireman's Station Park along with two of my daughters Judy Shiver and Rita Patterson and son-in-law Tommy Thurman.

I was delighted to greet several firemen I hadn't seen in a long time, as well as friends. Former Fire Chief Bud Densmore's widow sat next to me on the front bench during the ceremony.

Nicky Walker gave a welcome speech, Rick Valarezo rendered the prayer, John Tonkin gave a project overview, Chief John Reble presented some interesting data of former fire departments, Sharon Holley presented a word of thanks top the firemen and others, Mayor Guy Thompson rendered some remarks, and County Commissioner Bob Cole presented some nice remarks.

Then to one of the biggest surprises of my life, Mayor Guy Thompson asked me to cut the ribbon. I felt so highly honored to cut the pretty blue ribbon.

I would love to see added to the park at lest one nice size picnic table, and some type of bronze plaque listing all the names of the volunteers who served with such dedication in creating a successful fire department. Several of them were city employees Donald Hobbs, Donald Hinote, Claude Hobbs, Baby Hobbs, Clyde Howard, Earl Jernigan, Bill Deese, Bunkey Levins, Rusty Grundin, a man who's last name was Simmons, Earl Lunsford, Frank Prescott, who was also a city councilman, and I can't remember the others.

If I have listed some that were not volunteers, I truly apologize; at my age remembering the names I have listed is remarkable.

I believe that to serve, as a fireman is one of the most highly favored professions known to mankind. Acknowledging the fact you are subject to forfeit 10 years of your life due to stress and smoke inhalation you are serving others and getting paid to serve.

Marion Cumbie

Milton, Fla.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Letters to the Editor – Nov. 28, 2012