Speak Out – Nov. 17, 2012

If you have a short comment you would like to make, call the Speak Out line at 623-5887. Longer comments are better suited as a letter to the editor.

Wednesday 1:15 p.m.

These people going on about Obama and it being a welfare state need to stop. You people have a gross misunderstanding of the welfare system or you have never tried to get help. Not everybody gets welfare. Some just get food stamps, some unemployment, and some do get cash and Medicaid. But you do not apply for it and get it. That is not the way it works.

Wednesday, 12:55 p.m.

Hi, Jeff here. First I would like to comment on what the person said about the food they received from the food bank regarding the beans. That food is donated. You are lucky to be getting beans. If you want more than go to the store and buy it and donate it. I survived for over a year on red beans and rice and peanut butter and jelly because I wasn't working.

Wednesday, 9:39 a.m.

Hey this is Ed. They said vote and make a change. I voted and nothing changed so what is the use in voting.

Wednesday, 7:24 a.m.

This comment is for Mary. You should quit blaming the hunters for dropping off the animals in Blackwater. There are others that are dropping the dogs off in the woods to go wild. Don't just blame the hunters for this. Secondly, to the lady about the fawns. Trust me I am in the woods quite a bit and there are piles of fawns, but they are alive. If you haven't seen this for yourself you shouldn't comment or gossip about it.

Tuesday, 5:49 p.m.

This is Anna. I went to Strickland Cemetery on Monday to place flowers on my baby's grave and family plot. When I got there someone had destroyed all the whatnots at the headstone. If you are cleaning up at the cemetery have a little respect. If you move it put it back and please be careful and not tear anything up.

Tuesday, 2:32 p.m.

Okay it is Tony in Pace. Obamacare has four levels. The bronze, silver, gold and platnium. Affordable healthcare is at the bronze level where you pay 40-percent of your medical cost after insurance with silver being 30, gold 20 and platinum paying 10 percent. I have Blue Cross and Blue Shield and I pay 20 percent after insurance, but these people can't afford that. Many go to the doctor who can't pay 40 percent. It is not affordable guys.

Tuesday, 8:01 a.m.

Yeah this is Gene in Pace. The Central Bookkeeping Office provided an update on the Obamacare plan. The updated numbers went from $500-billion to $716-billion from 2012 to 2022. The private sector with Medicare was growing and improving and that was what Romney was wanting. Obamacare will rob from us roughly $716-billion over the next few years. Way to go Santa Rosa County for voting for Romney, but it was the south end of the state that put us in Obama Country again.

Tuesday, 6:40 a.m.

This is Ed. I really enjoyed the veterans parade and I really liked seeing the Milton and Pace bands mixed together. That was really sharp.

Editor's note: Ed there were actually three bands in that group representing Pace, Milton and Navarre high schools.

Monday, 10:10 p.m.

Yeah this is Rob. How can you county commissioners sleep at night? You spend over $1-million for a courthouse that hasn't shown anything, $85,000 above a houses worth for property, but you can't find $24,000 for the 900 people who take the bus for work, shopping, and doctor appointments. You guys out to hang your head in shame.

Monday, 8:32 p.m.

Yeah this is Thomas from Pace. My son and I went squirrel hunting and saw the same stuff starting all over again. We found a big doe on the side of the road missing her back two hind legs. Whoever did this is a poor excuse for a hunter and you don't even deserve to have a license. Last year people were killing the deer just to cut off the horns. People are sick if you do this. Please quit molesting wildlife like this. There are people out there who could use the meat and eat it.

Monday, 8:10 p.m.

This is Jessie from Pace. I want to comment on people tearing up cemetery graves. They have torn up Coon Hill again and on Monday my son saw it had happened to his daughter's grave. Whoever did this busted the little angels and ornaments put on the headstone for her. What is wrong with these crazy people who can't leave the dead alone? You don't know how bad it hurt them to see this at their baby's gravesite who died at birth.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out – Nov. 17, 2012