Letters to the Editor – Nov. 10, 2012

Heart felt thanks

The family of AMHC Charles (Chuck) Dennis Brewer Sr. USN, Ret. May 9 1944 – October 2 2012 wishes to extend a heartfelt thank you to our many friends for their condolences on our loss.

Chuck was a loving husband, a wonderful father, and especially proud of being a grandfather and great-grandfather.

His friends and church family were very important to him.  Chuck was in the hospital for 6 months and we thank the many people involved in his care.  We thank special friends Jack & Claudia Barrett who visited us every week and Bob & Joan Herring who brought Dee a Barber who gave Chuck haircuts and shaves and made him feel so good, also Melba, (an angel sent by God), who visited so often.

Thank You to Lewis Funeral Home and ftaff, and especially Charles Elliot and Rob who made the effort for good things to happen.  Thank you also to Trent Lewis who put together the video slides and music, and finally the Limousine service.  The funeral service was beautiful and our family is so grateful, we could not ask for more.   The Knights of Columbus 7027, wonderful Regalia formation and Honor Guards, thank you for honoring Chuck.

The Ladies Auxiliary, Pall Bearers especially Chuck, Scotty, and Mark and friends at L-3 Aerospace, Chuck loved you all.  Rev. Msgr. Stephen Bosso, who has been by our family’s side during our very difficult time.  Thank You to Msgr. Bosso and Fr. Richard Schamber for your anointing to bless our Chuck.  The funeral Mass was beautiful and was enhanced by Deacon Christopher, Colin Smith, St. Rose of Lima Choir, Brian Brown the Violinist, the Bagpipe service, Patti Adkinson for the flowers, Tom Barrett for the video and photo’s, Frank Ferraro and Larry Burkhalter who were the Lectors, and Edith Oca, the Eucharistic Minister. 

The family appreciated those who said the Eulogy; Mike Kassinger, and Chuck Kenyon. A special thank you to the US Navy for providing Military Honors as well as the Santa Rosa County Sherriff’s Department and the Milton Police Department for providing escort to Chuck’s final resting place

Thank You to Dennis Flores, the keeper of the church, the Legion of Mary, and all of the awesome people that prepared the receptions and to each one that brought food.

A huge thank you also goes out to H2U Melba (Bill Gungan) at West Florida Hospital for helping me during this time as well.

Others that were so helpful to us; Fil-Am of Milton, Satellite Corporate Office, L-3 Aerospace & Communication, AIMD, Nichols Seafood, Chris Baldwin, Brenda Lee Kayler & Family, and Serenity Gardens.  We are so grateful to the beautiful people who sent their condolences with comforting hugs, cards, food, and gifts and especially Chuck’s best man Gordon (Amy) Oppelt from Missouri.  Thank you all; relatives and In-laws, friends, acquaintances and colleagues who attended the celebration of New Life of our beloved Charles Dennis Brewer Sr. 

A heartfelt thank you

Frances Brewer and family

Milton, Fla.

Thanks from Healthy Start Coalition

A heartfelt thanks to everyone in the Santa Rosa community who made Healthy Start's Fifth Annual Baby Shower a resounding success.

Over 566 participants enjoyed the fruits of the hard work and labor of many people, not only from Santa Rosa County, but also from Escambia County and across the state.

Those people, companies, and organizations gave of their time, talent, and products so that this baby shower benefited everyone who attended.

The community was informed of the Healthy State services that are available at no charge to all pregnant women and newborns who are referred to the program.

New and expectant parents were informed about the importance of prenatal care, well-baby care, infant health, immunizations, and safe sleep.

We encourage everyone to plan to participate again next year so that those who were unable to attend this year will be able to benefit next year.

Once again, thank you.

Martha Zimmerman

Executive Director of Healthy Start Coalition of Santa Rosa County

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Letters to the Editor – Nov. 10, 2012