In the Neighborhood: Ashley Lay

Ashley Lay

Ashley is the graphic designer and marketing manager for Arrow Embroidery and Screen Printing/Open Rose Florist. She is also a board member of the Santa Rosa Young Professionals and Chairperson of the Andy Mac Foundation's Monster Dash 5K.

1. What brought you to Santa Rosa County? I am a fifth Generation Santa Rosa County Resident. I was the girl who said she was leaving and never coming back. I came back! I appreciate the beauty of the area and the people more than ever!

2. If you had the power of a super hero, what power would that be and why? I was going to go with time warp, but now I say the powers of Flash: super-speed, super-reflexes, ability to violate the laws of physics and his outfit is awesome! Like a lightning bolt!

3. What did you want to be growing up and why? Fashion Designer

4. Name three things you will always have in your refrigerator? Strawberries, cream cheese and eggs (ingredients for my famous strawberry cake)

5. What would we hear on the radio of your car/truck during a road trip? Justin Bieber! Ha Ha some people think I love him… I don’t discriminate so a little bit of everything.

6. What was the last book you read? The Bible, lots of cookbooks and The Hunger Games

7. What is your favorite food and why? Depends on my mood. Sometimes hummus and carrots, then sometimes Dreamsicle cake at the Bistro. An orange Fanta with vanilla is my go to drink at Sonic. Oh the fried chicken at 5 Sisters and the fancy grilled cheese at Carmelinas… Mmm, I am hungry now!

8. Where would your ideal vacation spot be? I love southern towns like Savannah and Charleston. I would also love to return to Washington D.C. The Smithsonian Museums are my favorite!

9. Who, living or dead, has been the biggest influence on you, and why? My grandmother, Sybil Chavers, was a strong Christian woman whose family was her number one priority. She would put you in your place, but at the same time could fix the world’s problems with a home cooked meal. Still to this day we carry on many traditions she began including Thanksgiving and Christmas with 75 aunts, uncles and cousins, and our annual family week at Navarre Beach. I only hope one day to have children and grandchildren that look up to me as I do her.

10. What household chore do you hate and why? I dislike yard work. I am allergic to most grasses and trees. That doesn’t really make it fun!

11. If you could talk to any historical figure over dinner, who would it be and why? Eleanor Roosevelt. She rose up from adversity to become a civic leader, a hostess with the mostess, and displayed grace to those who betrayed her. I would whip something up for dinner and get some pointers from Mrs. Roosevelt on how to take a stand and make a difference.

12. If you had $50,000 to spend, what would you do with the money and why. You cannot say to pay off a bill. I’d throw the most extravagant dinner party for all my friends, family, neighbors and maybe a few strangers (as long as they are handsome and single). I would have one long community table on the Riverwalk, amazing food, maybe some strawberry cake, linens, china, flowers, candles the whole nine yards! Then I would invite everyone to ice skate on the rink I brought into downtown Milton. I will throw in some snow to play in too. If I have anything leftover then I would go to Disney World of course.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: In the Neighborhood: Ashley Lay