Hope and Change has become Hype and Blame

The Arab Spring chickens are coming home to roost. Dismissing two simultaneous attacks on our embassies on the anniversary of 9/11 as "coincidence" and in spite of all available evidence to the contrary, the Obama administration and its surrogates in the mainstream media continue to blame the current unrest on a YouTube video. It is an expedient election year excuse, but it's not the truth. Attacks have occurred on our embassies in Egypt, Yemen, Libya, Sudan, Tunisia, Pakistan, and Syria. Punch that card one more time and the Obama administration gets a free Subway bombing sandwich. Even Hillary Clinton could not quell the violence, murder, American flag burning and protests among these anti-American extremists. Odd as it seemed to this administration, militant al Qaeda men just would not take orders from a bossy blonde Methodist woman. Democrats agree: Hillary Clinton speaking was our best shot at calming the uprising. Bill Clinton weighed in, “Trust me; if there is any woman who can halt an uprising by just walking in the room, it is Hillary.” I actually like Hillary more with time. She certainly would have been a better president than Obama. It is sad this is happening at the end of her watch; she had decided to resign as Secretary of State if Obama wins a second term. Democrats hope to fill her chair soon or risk Clint Eastwood showing up and talking to it. The first reaction of the White House to the riots was to blame Romney’s reaction. Then they reasoned that it was better to blame a YouTube video that no one watched than their own naiveté. These planned attacks outwitted our intelligence and our common sense. Our Marines were intentionally under-strength. Obama had not attended a security briefing since September 5th. Remember when Democrats derided George Bush for collecting himself for a few minutes in that Florida classroom after being told of the 9/11 attacks? Obama flew to Las Vegas for a fundraiser while all this was happening. With his Nobel Peace Prize and all, after his apology tour and then tripling our troop strength in Afghanistan, I am shocked that Obama could not win these folks over. He preached nonviolence, yet pranced around politically when our Navy SEALs killed the Muslim world’s evil Elvis, Osama bin Laden. What did he think they killed him with, kindness? The Muslim Brotherhood killed the last two Egyptian leaders, invented the suicide bomber vest, and founded al Qaeda. Yet Obama encouraged them into power and speaks of them as if they are the Knights of Columbus. Measured against the ideal of world peace, our response to having our embassies attacked would rank in the Arab world somewhere around having a shoe thrown at you. At least Bush saw the shoe coming and ducked. Those who agree with Ron Paul and me on domestic matters, yet think we were wrong opposing two wars of choice and occupying Muslim countries, might want to think again. If we were not spending billions of dollars propping up theocracies or thug-ocracies in the region, with no coherent agenda or justification, all this would not be happening. We go from ruthless dictators who hate America to America-hating theocracies. How’d that work in Iran? There is a reason Ron Paul's campaign had the most active-duty military donors. The right again blusters and stokes the idea of another war. That is as stupid as our invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. We just need to get out of these countries, quit trying to nation-build in our own image, bring our money and our troops home, and let them sort it out for themselves. We are going broke trying to be the world's policeman. Our military is 20 times more powerful than any military in the Muslim world. We defeated the fourth most powerful military, Saddam Hussein’s Republican Guard, over a long weekend halfway across the earth. We are blessed to have two major oceans protecting us. Our Defense Department needs to play defense, not offense. Lastly, we need to stop paying billions each year to Pakistan, Egypt and these Arab nations who will not protect our sovereign embassies in their countries. We tax and borrow billions of dollars and give it to countries that hate us. I bet they would hate us for free. A syndicated op-ed humorist, award winning author and TV/radio commentator, you can reach him at Ron@RonaldHart.com, Twitter @RonaldHart or at visit RonaldHart.com

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Hope and Change has become Hype and Blame